
Friday, May 28, 2010

Another photo post

I'm trying really hard with this blogging thing. I think I'm doing fairly well. Here's a bunch of shots I did with Darren and Adriel really long ago. Was a set even from this year?
This, I know was definitely eons ago. But I love it!

I love them! He has amazing published work too, I don't know if it's just me but I love looking his work over and over again. Of course not those of me! I have issues. I can't even watch shows I'm in. Hop on over to his site!


Anonymous said...

Why are you aiming to put on weight? Is it for any health reasons? Most people are looking to lose weight haha. Its the opposite with you!

Hello :) said...

Hey! haha i'm hoping to gain more weight in my arms. Basically there and no where else haha. Everywhere else would be basic toning! But I have to put on weight overall in order to put on weight on my arms :)