
Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Karate Kid

Went to watch 'The Karate Kid' today. Gotta say it was a bit disappointing, it wasn't that bad-just disappointing. I normally watch a movie with an open mind but I kept thinking why they decided to call it the karate kid? Why not the kungfu kid? It was pretty funny as well, since the school on the show was populated by mostly Caucasians, Jerry mentioned that for all you know, they might have filmed those scenes in Chinatown.

I don't know I really enjoyed the old version. I watched it a million of times and I'm not comparing it to this just expected a whole lot more from them. I really enjoy Jackie Chan and Will Smith's movies so just don't understand why it turned out this way. Going to buy the old series now.

Cant wait for toystory3 though! Heard so many positive comments about it so that's definitely a gold class movie! Haha whenever we have a good feeling about a certain movie, we watch it in gold class. Somehow makes us feel like we're supporting it even more. Needless to say Harry Potter makes it to the list by default.

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