
Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, September 27, 2010


A few days ago I received a sample from Kotex. It's their new range of Ultrathin design pads.

I was greeted with a surprisingly beautiful design that made me even more excited to try out the samples. Check out the cover of the little look book.

It practically has all the colors I love!

There are a total of 6 designs ladies can choose from.

My favorite is the last on the bottom right hand side corner!
The "live" sample

These are the Kotex Luxe Ultrathin Design Pads. You would expect with the prints of the colors it would feel a bit uneven but it actually is really smooth. It may sound kinda gross but it actually feels really soft and nice. It’s smooth enough for babies’ cheeks and it's super absorbent too!

I tried the sample and it is super thin and crazy absorbent! Any other comparisons to other products used may be a bit gross to blog about. What I love about the pad is that I don’t have to worry about stains due to the absorbent layer. I also get to go about my daily tasks and extra jumping or dancing. On top of that it’s pretty J won’t you feel a lot better having something pretty on?

It also comes in the normal day and night packs so that they are well suited for your needs.

Very compact as well! I can easily pop it into my handbag without worrying about getting a pouch for it. The black design also doesn’t give away too much about it being a pad.
These are the little drawstrings to "shut" it after using it. I really like this because I get very paranoid about dust or whatsoever getting in. It also prevents the pad to fall out of the bag. It’s really embarrassing when you dig around your bag for tissue paper and out comes a pad!

The products are currently available in leading supermarkets. But if you want to try out a sample from them first you can go on over to their website at or onto their facebook page. They really went all out for this! They have sections on the different pads that suit your needs; you can watch the WOW TVC and download the WOW toolkit. They also have really pretty wallpapers, emoticons that you can use for msn.

Simply by visiting their facebook page you stand a chance to win some prizes.

1) Firstly, go to

2) Click on the WOW tab

3) Download the WOW banner, the WOW banner contains a unique WOW code for each person.

You may then pass this WOW code to your friends. For every 10friends who input this WOW code, you would be rewarded with $5 Coffee Club voucher. Your friends will also get free photo prints when they input the WOW code. Only 3 steps! So don’t be lazy and g grab these free gifts!

There is also a story campaign for WOW.

Everyone can upload a WOW story on WOW’s facebook page at This WOW story can be about anything exciting, special or funny even.

Those with the most votes by the end of every week will get a free Kate Spade bag. And every story upload entitles you to a phone skin voucher (worth $11.70 ok!)

For those who can’t think of a story and feel a slight tinge of jealousy, you’d be glad to know that you’re part of the deal too. Basically, those who voted the most for others will get rewarded with $250 worth of shopping vouchers. (How easy is this really? It’s basically Kotex throwing the vouchers to you)

The top 3 story tellers with the majority of votes by the end of the promo win an Apple iPad each! (I want!!!)

They’re far too generous with this. Get started now! Go submit your story so that you can start getting more supporters to vote for you till the promo ends.

Hurry! Free know! Don’t even need to queue up :p

Friday, July 9, 2010

I love my brother

When I was 10, and my brother Jerry 7, we took our first flight together without a guide. We were travelling a lot at that time and we managed to convince my mom we could make it alone. It was a flight back to Singapore from Scotland and so there was a transit at Heathrow airport. 

I almost lost my brother there. I told him to stay at the sitting area and wait for me while I went to the toilet. When I got back that chubby monster was gone. Can you imagine how scared I was? My mother's jewel! 

So anyway when we were at the gates about to board the plane. My brother doubted me asking whether I was sure we were at the right place as the TV said destination :Australia. 

When we got on to the plane, he asked the lady "Excuse me, is this plane going to Singapore?"
And the stewardess replies "Oh well I hope so!"

Story of my life

Thursday, July 8, 2010

iROO Official Launch

Wondering what they are all staring at?


Haha nah just kidding. This was the official launch of iROO on the 2nd July at Marina Bay Sands. 9 other models and myself had to take on the roles of live mannequins. It was the first time for me, standing still in front of a glass panel. I must say it was a really interesting experience.

The models, MUAs, hair stylists and organisers were all there earlier on in the day preparing for the launch.
Chaos in one of the fitting rooms area. We're lucky it's huge to fit all of us.

!!!!!! Hazard

The host of the night and a manhunt winner.

Us taking our positions
This was the party and city segment

&the casual and office wear

I really like this outfit. I ended up not wearing the other outfits from the earlier entry but I feel this suits my personality and age more. One thing about iROO is that they provide suitable clothes for different occasions.

Our next segment- to model in the party area

Our party models, Holly, Agri and myself

Recording the event

The Office Wear Models

the casual wear models

Chanel and I

Constance, my new found buddy from Bukit Timah

Crystal - The last time we saw each other was during deal or no deal. Ages ago

Holly and I :)

Models with the lovely team from iROO


On a totally side note, I was so amused to see that the Casino's just as efficient with the ATMs situated right at the entrance. 
They also has their very own gondola! So pretty

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Best buy of June

My best buy this month is from Clinique!
My best friend Joyce was the one that recommend it to me because I realised my toner from my 3steps was too dry for my skin. That smart alec was using one without alcohol content. Why didn't you share that with me! :p
It's called Moisture Surge Face Spray Thirsty Skin Relief. It also comes in the form of a small tub.
I'm sooo thankful I got it, it's so easy to use and I normally spray it on after I'm done with my make up- helps make it look more natural. Really useful if I'm stuck in an air conditioned room, helps give me an extra boost before my make up gets too dry and cracks. So yay! Definitely worth the $47

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mixed Marriages

You know how there are so many mixed marriages nowadays? It's so common now and I love checking out their kids cause they're all so adorable! Well obviously they have this Asian/Caucasian mix vibe that's present in their faces that kinds of draw you into admiring them. I also like checking out what kind of accents they pick up. Their dads'? Or their moms?

Josh and I were waiting for a taxi at Far East Plaza the other day and I noticed this couple because of their little daughter's angelic face. I thought this Caucasian guy queuing up at the taxi stand was standing next to his wife but turned out it was his maid. You know how the division between home employers and their house helpers are really distinct in Singapore? Like there's a class division that's extremely obvious.

In Europe, if you're a helper- you have your family to look after, an average salary, you get to go home and more important actually to have a life/rest after work.

Here in Singapore though, there are many families that require the maid to be the first one up and the last one to go to bed and certain families have some crazy rules.

I hate
1) Those that wear a tee shirt advertising their "company". Do they get paid loyalty fees or something? I certainly hope they do.
2) Maids do not get to eat at the same table as the family, or maybe at a different time
3) Maids are now known to be closer to their employers' children then the employers themselves
4) No off days or free time for the maids
5) My maid has a very bad habit of leaving the table to eat by herself alone. Why is it so difficult to seat with us? It has to be with the training of the employment company that brought them here. Every time we offer her and she'll gobble her food down quickly so she won't have to seat with us for too long.

So I was thinking about this particular maid. I wonder how she feels standing next to a lady who comes from the same country married to a Caucasian and is definitely living a better life than she is. I mean it's pretty obvious they're abusing their authority with the task given to her. There was a pram and a number of shopping bags. When the taxi came for them, the lady went into the taxi's back seat first with her little handbag. Her husband sat their daughter down in the middle of the seat and joins them! The maid is stuck alone struggling to put all the bags into the boot, then folds up the pram and keeps it in too all by herself. All that time, the entire family was waiting in the taxi. Don't they feel ashamed?

Why is the husband so useless??? Even if the wife wasn't keen on giving a hand, he should have at least offered. It seemed like the maid was invisible or a machine that could lift all that nonsense into the boot herself. She is tiny by the way!

I was so pissed. People need to appreciate what they have. Plus it's not that difficult to help out with a few shopping bags. If you can carry it off the counter, you shouldn't have a problem putting it into the boot.
So angry! :(

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am such a geek!

Went to watch Toy Story 3 today with my boyfriend and I loved it! It's so crazy awesome and touching. It made me sooo guilty since I threw away all my toys. They're probably running some evil organisation right now for all I know. My Barbie dolls, all 38 of them from Singapore must be organizing some kind of a kill fest, especially since I chopped off some of their hair and painted/highlighted some to "dye" their hair. I am so ashamed :(

I absolutely love the little hedgehog Mr pricklepants! It's so adorable like a little serious actor and he gets his own stage after that! "I'm trying to stay in character!"
Dinosaurs with short hands are cute too, they remind me of my best friend :x haha

Barbie and Ken too! Going to get it on DVD so we can watch it as many times as we can. I'm a boring person like that.

You know the ending where Andy gives away his toys to Bonnie? I couldn't stop crying! It was really awkward too seeing that there was only about 10 of us in the theater. Doesn't help that everyone's near each other in gold glass either. We have this thing about booking movies. If we think it's a good movie or we hear it is a good one we book it on gold class so that we can have a better experience. Harry Potter automatically makes it. So does Transformers, I can't wait for the new girl from Victoria's secret.

All the movies Pixar has made so far are amazing and I love them all. I especially love the little cloud clip before the movie UP.
This is the first part to it, I can't find the second part. Guessing copyright issues.

I haven't seen a movie I didn't like from Pixar and I keep telling Josh it's because Steve Jobs owns Pixar! (I am such a fan, amazing speaker. He'd make you buy anything!)

These are a bunch of movies off my head that I love
The Toy story series (3rd one being my favorite)
Monsters Inc (Boo!)
Finding nemo! Does anyone else read escape as esss-ka-peh now?
The Incredibles

Love! Waiting for the third installment of "Meet the Parents" now :)